Travel Tips

What to Do If You Get in a Car Accident While Traveling

What do you do if you get in a car accident while traveling? We'll break down what you need to know for dealing with a car accident abroad, answering all the questions you have, like "Does my car insurance cover me abroad?" and "Does travel insurance cover car accidents?" car accident in another country | rental car collision insurance | should i get rental car collision insurance | personal injury lawyer for car accident while traveling | advice for rental car accident while travelling

Car accidents suck, plain and simple, and that’s even if you’re not traveling. But being in an unfamiliar place with new roads, different laws, and different driving? Phew. The suckage increases exponentially. But what do you do if you get in a dreaded car accident while traveling? We’ll break down what you need to know for dealing with a car accident abroad, including how to best prepare before you go.

From navigating unfamiliar roads to dealing with unfamiliar laws and insurance procedures, the experience of a car accident abroad can be overwhelming.

However, being prepared and knowing the right steps to take after experiencing a car accident while traveling can make all the difference.

We’ll go into the top questions you have about preparing for a car accident in another country, including “Does my car insurance cover me abroad?” and “Does travel insurance cover car accidents?”

From immediate actions at the scene to long-term legal and logistical considerations, we’ve got you covered, ensuring you’re equipped to handle the aftermath of a car accident while traveling with confidence and clarity.


The information provided on this article does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice. All information available on this article is strictly for general informational purposes. 

Before You Go: Be Prepared

Being involved in a car accident while traveling can be a pain in the behind, but being prepared can make all the difference.

Before hitting the road, familiarize yourself with the local driving laws and emergency services of your destination. Additionally, ensure your vehicle’s insurance is up-to-date and covers accidents that may occur while traveling.

If you’re traveling abroad, investing in travel insurance is an essential way to protect yourself from accidents while traveling, as well as other unexpected pitfalls that may come your way.


Prepare for renting a car to avoid a difficult time dealing with a car accident abroad

Does Travel Insurance Cover Car Accidents?

Certain travel insurance providers offer additional options that include rental car collision and theft coverage.

These add-ons can shield you from financial liabilities in case your rental car is stolen, damaged in an accident, or affected by uncontrollable events like theft or natural disasters.

Should I Get Rental Car Collision Insurance?

If you don’t have travel insurance, and you are renting a car, you should definitely invest in the insurance options offered by the rental car company.

When you pick up your rental car, make sure to inspect the car with an employee present, and document the car as it exists upon pick-up, taking note of any scratches, dents, etc. This will greatly help you determine the damage in the event of an accident.

Does My Car Insurance Cover Me Abroad?

The majority of American auto insurance policies do not extend coverage to driving overseas, with exceptions limited to Canada and Mexico.

Unless you use a credit card that providing rental car insurance benefits, you’ll likely need to purchase insurance directly from the rental company before you drive the car.

Will My Credit Card Travel Insurance Cover Car Accidents?

Some credit cards do offer some kinds of car rental insurance as a cardholder benefit, but only if you use that card to pay for the rental. Furthermore, the coverage varies card to card, so be sure to research what kind of coverage you will get if you use your credit card.


Prepare for a Car Accident While Traveling: A Checklist

  • Purchase travel insurance with rental car collision and theft coverage, purchase insurance from your rental car company, or check credit card insurance plan for rental car collision coverage
  • Make a list of all emergency contacts for the countries you are traveling to
  • Familiarize yourself with the local driving laws and emergency services of your destination
  • Purchase an international SIM card in the countries you are traveling to
  • Inspect and document the rental car with an employee present at time of pick-up


Avoid getting into a car accident in the first place by taking the proper steps to prepare for driving in a new country

Love your car—insure it!

Assessing the Situation and Ensuring Safety

In the event of a car accident while traveling, prioritize safety above all else.

Check for injuries among passengers and other parties involved. If anyone is injured, call emergency services immediately and provide them with your location.

This is why it is wise to purchase an international SIM card in the countries you are traveling to, and have a list of all emergency contacts for that country.

Move your vehicle to a safe location away from traffic if possible to prevent further accidents.


Contact Authorities and Exchange Information

Once safety has been ensured following a car accident abroad, contact the local authorities to report the accident.

Provide them with accurate details about the location, the number of vehicles involved, and any injuries sustained. While waiting for the authorities to arrive, exchange contact and insurance information with the other parties involved in the accident.

Be sure to obtain their names, phone numbers, license plate numbers, and insurance details.


This is everything you need to know about dealing with a car accident abroad


Documenting the Scene of the Car Accident Abroad

Documenting the scene of the car accident abroad is crucial for insurance purposes and potential legal proceedings.

Take photos of the vehicles involved, the surrounding area, and any visible damage.

Note the road conditions, weather conditions, and any relevant signs or landmarks that may have contributed to the accident.

Also be sure to gather the contact details of other parties involved, and eyewitness accounts, if possible. While these steps are universal, the legal nuances may vary depending on the country you’re in.

These details can provide valuable evidence during the claims process.


Notifying Your Insurance Company

After getting into a car accident while traveling, contact your insurance provider as soon as possible to report the incident and initiate the claims process, whether you decided on insurance through your travel insurance provider, your rental car company, or your credit card.

Provide them with accurate and detailed information about the accident, including the other parties involved and any injuries sustained.

Follow any instructions given by your insurance company and keep records of all communication related to the accident.


We'll answer all your questions about getting into a car accident in another country, including "does travel insurance cover car accidents?"


Seeking Medical Attention and Follow-Up

Even if you don’t feel injured, it’s important to seek medical attention after a car accident while traveling.

Some injuries may not be immediately apparent, so it’s essential to get checked out by a healthcare professional.

Keep copies of all medical records and bills related to the accident for insurance purposes.

Additionally, stay in touch with your insurance company and follow up on any further actions or documentation required.


Contacting a Lawyer While Traveling

In the aftermath of a car accident while traveling in an unfamiliar country, seeking legal guidance might be necessary, especially when dealing with unfamiliar laws and procedures. However, the prospect of finding a lawyer in a foreign country can seem daunting.

Here’s what you need to know:

If you find yourself in need of legal assistance, consider reaching out to your embassy or consulate in the country where the accident occurred.

They can provide you with valuable resources and guidance on navigating the local legal system and finding one of the best personal injury lawyers.

Additionally, many embassies maintain lists of reputable lawyers who are fluent in your language and experienced in handling cases involving foreign nationals.

While local lawyers may have a better understanding of the local laws and procedures, language barriers and cultural differences could pose challenges. On the other hand, hiring a lawyer from your home country who specializes in international law or has affiliations with legal networks abroad can provide you with familiarity and peace of mind.

Regardless of your decision, thorough research and vetting are essential when choosing a lawyer. Look for professionals with experience in personal injury cases and a track record of successful outcomes.

Consider reading reviews, checking credentials, and scheduling consultations to ensure you find the right legal representation for your


Car Accident While Traveling: Final Words

Being involved in a car accident while traveling can be a daunting experience, but knowing what to do can help alleviate some of the stress.

By prioritizing safety, contacting the authorities, documenting the scene, and following up with your insurance company, you can navigate the aftermath of a car accident while traveling more effectively.

We hope we’ve given you the answers to your questions about getting into a car accident while traveling abroad, including “Does my car insurance cover me abroad?” and “Does travel insurance cover car accidents?”

And if you have any further questions, feel free to reach out!

Until next time,

Safe travels!

-Renny XOXO



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What do you do if you get in a car accident while traveling? We'll break down what you need to know for dealing with a car accident abroad, answering all the questions you have, like "Does my car insurance cover me abroad?" and "Does travel insurance cover car accidents?" car accident in another country | rental car collision insurance | should i get rental car collision insurance | personal injury lawyer for car accident while traveling | advice for rental car accident while travellingWhat do you do if you get in a car accident while traveling? We'll break down what you need to know for dealing with a car accident abroad, answering all the questions you have, like "Does my car insurance cover me abroad?" and "Does travel insurance cover car accidents?" car accident in another country | rental car collision insurance | should i get rental car collision insurance | personal injury lawyer for car accident while traveling | advice for rental car accident while travelling

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